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Hiking Can Improve Overall Mental Health

Hiking Can Improve Overall Mental HHealth

Not only is a walk or hike in nature good for your physical health, but experts have found that even a 90-minute nature excursion can have a positive impact on your mental health.

Image by <a href="">Debi Brady</a> from <a href="">Pixabay</a>

Mountain climbing, hiking, and outdoor walks are two forms of healthy exercise. Doctors in Scotland have even begun to prescribe it for chronic diseases. But what are the benefits of going up the mountain for mental health? Sport is basically beneficial for every aspect of the body. While adventure by walking or climbing mountains regularly is not only beneficial to the body but also has an impact on mental health, This outdoor activity allows you to move away from thoughts that make stress more rational while being fused with nature.

Even for those who may not have mental health issues, spending time outdoors and hiking can help them fully realize their ability to cope with difficult things.

"You deserve a breath of fresh air before you have a mental health problem. Getting out there and doing that can help us be more balanced," Tovar said.

Running above the treadmill is a good exercise to improve mental state. But climbing in the open is better at fighting general mental health problems such as stress and depression. The diverse views of forests, mountains, roads, and beaches are far more enchanting than gym walls in general. So it's not hard to imagine that walking around in nature—or even in parks—makes us feel much happier.

Walking and hiking in nature have gained popularity because of the positive correlation they have with physical and mental health. Its benefit to mental health happens regardless of whether someone is currently affected by a mental illness.

"I think the things that are helpful for people with mental health issues are also helpful for people without these issues: exercise, social contact, mindfulness and behavioral activation. It may also promote gratitude, which has a positive impact on mental health," Nielsen explain.

Hiking is now considered the most popular activity among adventurers, surpassing kayaking and mountain climbing, according to a report from the Adventure Travel Trade Association.

“I love being outdoors because I feel like I’m away from it all and breathing fresh air and freedom,” says Sean Gassaway, an outdoor and travel photographer based in Provo. “Being able to get away from stress and be in nature is definitely helpful for mental health.

Hikers in Utah range from beginners to experts, but hikers of all experience levels can enjoy the physical and mental benefits of the outdoors. If you want to reap the mental health benefits of hiking, all you have to do is get out and move.

"Just do it. If you have to start small, start small. Make it your goal to get out there and follow through," Gassaway said.

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