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5 Types of Leaves are Efficacious in Lowering Blood Sugar Levels

5 Types of Leaves are Efficacious in Lowering Blood Sugar Levels

Referring to research, many herbs have been found to be effective in reducing blood sugar levels in the body. Therefore, diabetics, there is no harm in trying these books. According to Healthline, the World Health Organization (WHO) has said that by the year 2030, diabetes will be the seventh leading cause of death worldwide. Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease characterized by elevated blood sugar or blood sugar levels. And diabetes requires medical care and special attention. 

Image by <a href="">Martin Büdenbender</a> from <a href="">Pixabay</a>

Misdiagnosis or ignorance of this disease can often lead to serious consequences, such as obesity, kidney damage and heart disease. Well, diet plays an important role in managing diabetes. The best diet for diabetes should be the right combination of foods with fiber, solid carbohydrates, and protein. Of course, cholesterol and blood sugar should be stable, but sometimes eating too many foods high in fat and glucose causes both to become out of control.

Besides using medication to control blood sugar and cholesterol, a healthy diet and lifestyle can also be applied. There are many boiled vegetables that can help lower blood sugar levels. Referring to various sources, here are a few. 

1. Curry leaves 

According to the Indian Times, researchers have found that curry leaves have powerful cholesterol-lowering properties. Curry leaves contain nutrients such as minerals, calcium, phosphorus, fiber, carbohydrates, magnesium and iron which are good for health.


The study also found that curry leaves have properties that lower blood sugar levels in diabetic patients. In a study conducted on mice, animals were given 80 mg of curry leaf extract for 10 days and recently resulted in a significant reduction in blood sugar levels.


2. Mango leaves 

Tea made from fresh mango leaves is effective in reducing blood sugar levels in diabetics. To do this, boil some mango leaves for at least 15 minutes and clean them. Drink on an empty stomach. Mango leaf extract (Mangiferin) has the ability to inhibit the alpha glucosidase enzyme, which helps reduce the metabolism of carbohydrates in the intestine and causes blood sugar levels.

Apart from this, boiled mango leaf juice will increase the production of insulin in the body, facilitate the distribution of glucose and stabilize the blood sugar level.


3. Moringa leaves 

A fourth herb believed to lower blood sugar levels is Moringa. How did it happen? This is because the leaves contain quercetin and vitamin C, which have been shown to reduce blood sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes.


Moringa leaf is a leaf native to India that has been used in traditional medicine for thousands of years. These leaves are known to be rich in antioxidants, amino acids, vitamins and minerals. Moringa contains chlorogenic acid which helps control blood sugar levels and allows cells to take in or release glucose as needed. Apart from chlorogenic acid, the isothiocyanate compound in Moringa leaves can also provide natural protection against diabetes. Moringa leaves are also effective in controlling blood sugar and insulin levels in diabetic patients. 

4. Spring leaves 

The green leaves, which have a sweet taste and aroma, are used in tea. Bay leaf tea benefits the body in its own way. According to Healthline, the benefits of boiled leaves in the form of tea are associated with a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes. Health experts say this is because in addition to improving heart health, eating watermelon can help control and lower blood pressure.


Use the Easy Touch device to measure blood sugar levels. The consumption of boiled water is useful as a diuretic, so it can increase urine production and reduce blood sugar levels.


5. Fenugreek leaves 

Fenugreek leaves are one of the best green vegetables. This versatile herb belongs to the legume family and has been used in cooking as a flavoring agent for decades. Research shows that fenugreek helps regulate glucose. 4HO-Ile is an amino acid found in fenugreek that has antidiabetic properties that can stimulate insulin secretion and increase insulin sensitivity.

Therefore, it helps stabilize blood sugar levels. Therefore, fenugreek leaves are also one of the ways to boil water from the leaves to reduce blood sugar levels.

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