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New tourist destination for the Sasak tribe on Lombok Island

New tourist destination for the Sasak tribe on Lombok Island

Desa Sade a.k.a Sade village is the traditions and culture of the Sasaki tribe has become a new destination on the island of Lombok, Indonesia.   

The NTB Sasaki tribe it self is the most important icon of the Lombok island region. While traveling in Lombok, you will definitely learn about Sasak traditions. Starting with language, crafts and traditional houses, which are not the same as the existing subsidized house types in Serang.  

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Sade village in Central Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) is a traditional village worth visiting. Since 1975, many tourists have visited Sade village. Tourist visits are also increasing. 

Especially after the opening of Lombok Praya International Airport in 2011. The people of Sade village continue to preserve the unique traditions of the Sasaki tribe, such as the shape of the buildings, the traditions of kulik marriage, and more.  Due to its cultural diversity and uniqueness, the village of Sade is an attractive destination. 

Come and get to know the village of Sade more closely, from its location, its uniqueness, to its sights. Knitting culture is very popular among the women of Sade village. Sasaku women start learning weaving at the age of 7-10.  Weaving is thus a profession that Sasaki women take up after the harvest season is over. In addition, Sasaks living in Sade village believe that Sasak women must master weaving skills before marriage.  

One of Sade Village's woven products is songket cloth, which is made of gold or silver thread woven together with cotton or silk. To make a songket piece, you need two meters of fabric and a processing time of two to three weeks.  

According to a report by, Kawin Culik is a typical Sasaki wedding tradition in Sade village. Sasaki young people who want to get married kidnap their night-to-be at night. After the kidnapping, the groom takes his future wife to a relative's house. After that, discussions about the wedding are held between the families of the bride and groom the next day. 

The differences are in dowry or endowment. Sasaki men who marry women from the same village require only IDR 100,000 as dowry. Meanwhile, if the groom marries a girl from another village or district, the dowry is equal to two buffaloes. 

The traditional houses of Sade village have three types of house characteristics or architecture depending on the purpose of use. First, Bale Bonter, which is the private residence of the village officials. Then there is Bale Kodong, a house for newly married couples or parents who want to spend their old age. The next house type, Bale Tani, is housing for the general public. The Sasaki people of Bale Tan have a unique way of cleaning their houses of buffalo dung. 

It acts as an insect repellent and repels mysterious attacks. The traditional Sasaki village community maintains other cultures, such as traditional dances and traditional music games, in addition to abduction marriages. Tourists can view these cultural sites at certain times. From beleq drumming to traditional dances such as Cupak, Gerantang and Presean. These are the interesting things in Sade Village, which is one of the most famous Sasaki traditional villages and is the choice of many tourists.

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