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Marijuana Legal in Some Countries but Illegal In Indonesia

Marijuana Legal in Some Countries but Illegal In Indonesia


Tahbrontak - Marijuana is banned in Indonesia because marijuana is a drug. Marijuana is banned because it contains a psychotropic component, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which changes a person's activities and thoughts. No one has yet been identified as having committed crimes such as bank robberies or slashing people in the street due to their high impact rates, but cannabis remains banned for the reasons mentioned above. Can lead to state-financed pensions.


Nonetheless, Indonesia has an area known as a cannabis producing area, namely Aceh. This is an open secret that you can find by doing a Google search. Aceh is famous for using cannabis as a cooking spice. However, cannabis is illegal in Aceh and its cultivation is kept secret. So say goodbye to the notion that you often find Acehnese growing cannabis in their gardens.


Marijuana has a function other than making fly or over-imagined. It is widely known in the medical world that cannabis has many benefits. Because of its many positive effects, cannabis is even called a magical plant. Due to the positive effects of cannabis, many countries have lifted the ban on cannabis.

They legalized marijuana with strict conditions and it should not be used carelessly. That way, the spread of illegal cannabis can be prevented. Medical benefits of cannabis include preventing muscle spasms, reducing pain, inhibiting the development of Alzheimer's disease, and treating depression in epilepsy patients. 

Many countries in the US and Europe have legalized cannabis. However, different countries apply different regulations to allow the use of this facility. However, in Indonesia, marijuana is illegal and belongs to class I narcotics. So what made these countries legalize cannabis? In general, it is the potency of cannabis that allows it to be used as a medicine for certain diseases. As reported by CNN Indonesia, there are several reasons why marijuana should be legalized.

Marijuana is safer than alcohol and legal tobacco.

A study published in 2010 proved that the active compounds found in cannabis are safer than those found in alcohol and tobacco and cigarettes. The negative stigma attached to cannabis is that it appears to be more dangerous than other legal drugs. 

Marijuana has a low addiction rate. 

Sanjay Gupta, CNN America's Chief Medical Correspondent, found that only 9% -10% of adult marijuana users are addicted. Tobacco is even worse, with 30% addiction. Marijuana can be a safe and effective sleep aid The National Cancer Institute says that patients using sprays containing extracts of the cannabis plant have been shown to sleep better. He says it's the THC substance that positively improves quality. 

Marijuana can help treat. 

An article in Discovery Health says cannabis can reduce nausea. People undergoing chemotherapy usually experience nausea as a side effect of the treatment they are receiving. Therefore, cannabis can be given to post-chemotherapy patients to reduce nausea. In addition, cannabis can also increase appetite in people with HIV / AIDS. Like cannabis, it has been shown to relax tense muscles and relieve pain.

For Consideration by Related Parties

Globally, cannabis is one of the narcotics that has great potential to be legalized, either decriminalized (removing criminal penalties for users or owners) or fully legalized (allowing it to grow and sell). This is because marijuana has fewer psychological and behavioral negative effects than other types of narcotics, even when compared to alcohol and tobacco. 

Governments can weigh enforcement, medical and economic contingency burdens when criminalizing cannabis use. The first concrete step that can be taken is to enable research on the potential health benefits of cannabis. The government can then change the position of Class III cannabis. Class III narcotics are widely used and have a low addiction potential because they are considered drugs. However, for society to truly reap the benefits of cannabis cultivation, these regulations must be backed up with strict oversight to prevent abuse.

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