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Climate Changes That Threat To The Life Of The Earth

In general, climate change is referred to as a global warming phenomenon where the amount of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere increases and continues over a certain period of time. The causes of climate change and global warming consist of many different factors and affect human life. 

The climate is constantly changing due to the interaction of its components and external factors such as volcanic eruptions, variations in sunlight, and anthropogenic factors such as cultivation and fossil fuels. Climate change is a significant change in climate, air temperature and rainfall that lasts tens of years to millions of years. Climate change is caused by increasing concentrations of carbon dioxide and other gasses in the atmosphere, causing the greenhouse effect. 

Many governments have pledged to make their economies carbon neutral within the next 10 to 30 years. With stable CO2 emissions in Europe and America, while emissions in Asia and Africa are increasing, the infographic below shows how much the economy needs to achieve carbon neutrality.

The Process of Climate Change

Every day we experience more and more climate change, which is increasingly worrying. It was a very hot day and it suddenly rained. It should be remembered that climate change doesn't happen overnight, it happens for several reasons. 

For that, we must try to overcome it by starting to love and protect the environment, such as planting trees, not littering, recycling and other simple ways. Climate change is nothing new. The global climate is always changing. Some of the land that was covered with ice millions of years ago has now become land due to fluctuations in solar radiation or volcanic eruptions. 

Current and future climate change can be caused not only by natural phenomena but also by various human activities. Rapidly developing economic developments have important effects on the global climate, such as the use of fossil fuels as an energy source, an increase in the number of motorized vehicles and large-scale clearing of land through deforestation.

Climate change is influenced by several things:

  • The distance of the sun from the location of the earth is affected. As the sun approaches, the radiation received by the earth increases. This radiation supports convection, or the rising of water vapor into the sky. 
  • Environmental conditions, whether the area is mountainous, hilly, forested or sandy. Mountainous or hilly areas affect air movement. Mountains or hills help the air rise. The air that is lifted up or into the sky supports the formation of clouds. 
  • Near or far from a water source, such as an ocean or lake. Areas close to water bodies have a higher probability of precipitation than areas far from water sources. This is due to the high evaporation rate in areas close to water sources. Because of this, Indonesia has more rainfall than outside of Australia. Besides being close to the equator, Indonesia is also surrounded by vast oceans. 
  • Aerosols dispersed in the atmosphere also have an impact on climate change. Aerosols are tiny particles in gasses and air. Aerosols can come from desert dust, volcanic eruptions, or human activities such as motorcycles and factory exhaust.

Solar radiation that hits the earth in the form of short waves penetrates the earth's atmosphere and then becomes long waves when it reaches the earth's surface. After reaching the surface of the earth, some of these waves are reflected back into the atmosphere. 

Unfortunately, not all of the long waves reflected by Earth can penetrate the atmosphere into space because they are blocked and absorbed by gasses in the atmosphere called greenhouse gasses (GHG). This natural phenomenon is called the greenhouse effect (GHE).