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Visit to the Maldives, Known As Heaven On Earth

Visit to the Maldives, Known As Heaven On Earth

There are many tourist destinations, both inside and outside the country. One of them is the Maldives Island in the Indian Ocean, which has extraordinary beauty. It is located between southwest Sri Lanka and India. There are many small islands there, so they are often not visible on the world map.

Image by <a href="">romaneau</a> from <a href="">Pixabay</a>

Before you decide to travel to the Maldives, you need to know some complete information about the island. So that vacations can be planned properly because you already know in detail about the country of the Republic of the Maldives.

The Maldives, or Maldives, is an archipelago with a panorama that is called the most beautiful in the world. Visiting the Maldives, people say, is like a trip to heaven thrown to earth.

The stretch of white sand accompanied by the beautiful Tosca green sea is synonymous with the Maldives. The island nation has succeeded in seizing the market as a dream destination for honeymooners.

Not only is the natural beauty of the sea beautiful, but learning about the Maldives culture actually has its own charm. It turns out that this popular tourist destination has a 100% Muslim population.

Not only that, because the majority are Muslims, this country also applies Islamic law. Therefore, even though it is a popular tourist destination, the rules in the Maldives are different from those in other tourist destinations.

Although small, the Maldives is actually a very old country. Some historical evidence shows that the Maldives are around 2,500 years old. The country has had rulers, then kings, queens, sultans, and presidents for the last 1,000 years.

Maldives is a country with many islands. Its economic activity is heavily centered on tourism. This is indeed an attractive tourist destination. There are several activities that can be done on this island. Some of the most popular activities on the island are scuba diving as well as snorkeling, including land sports and water sports.

Scuba diving is usually done every day. Then relax, enjoy the day, and also enjoy the evening at the bar. Water sports that are very popular in the Maldives range from jet skiing, windsurfing, water skiing, and many more. Tourism is the most important value on the island of the Maldives, including nature tourism, shopping tours, culinary tours, and other tours.

Since this is an archipelago and the main area for making money in this country is tourism, there are definitely a lot of resorts. Because there are many choices of resorts in the Maldives, it's better to look for resort recommendations there.

Besides being famous for its attractive natural beauty and clean, pollution-free environment, the Maldives is also known for its polite and friendly people. It is not surprising that tourists who vacation here will feel very satisfied. Besides the beautiful scenery, the service is also pleasant.

Being a country with a Muslim majority, the Maldives also has very strict regulations in a number of ways.

This regulation applies to those of you who visit local islands inhabited by native Maldivians. So, before you go on vacation to the Maldives, it's a good idea to first find out, mate, about the regulations that apply in that country. That way, you won't have problems that can bother you later.

As a country whose majority population adheres to Islam, the Maldives Government imposes strict regulations on matters that violate Islamic values. On vacation in the Maldives, you will be prohibited from consuming alcohol freely. Especially when visiting inhabited islands. So, you can only consume alcohol while at the resort.

In addition, you are also not allowed to wear impolite clothing while on inhabited local islands. For example, open shirts and shorts above the knee. Bikinis are also not allowed on public beaches. You can only use it on private beaches.

The best time to explore the Maldives is anytime! The skies from December to April are generally very friendly, but tourism is very crowded during this dry season. The rainy season lasts from May to November, attracting hammerhead and reef sharks. While visibility isn't as good during the rainy season, the lighter currents make diving a more relaxing experience.

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