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Ijen Crater Tour: Must be visited when in East Java

Ijen Crater Tour: Must be visited when in East Java

Apart from the beautiful view of the crater, there is also the blue fire phenomenon

Tahbrontak - Ijen Crater is a tourist spot in Indonesia that is well known abroad. Ijen Crater is located in Banyuwangi Regency, East Java. Ijen Crater Tour is an exciting and fun vacation choice when visiting Banyuwangi. If you want to climb Mount Ijen, you can stop first to relax on the spot and enjoy the fresh air.

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Visiting tourist attractions around the Ijen crater is the right choice because nature is so refreshing. Most of the tourist attractions around the Ijen crater are very beautiful waterfalls and of course cool. In addition, there are also several craters that are not so beautiful.

Indonesia's nature has always had extraordinary beauty, one of which is the Ijen Crater. Ijen Banyuwangi Crater Tour is one of the most popular Banyuwangi tours among travel lovers. Ijen Crater or Mount Ijen Banyuwangi is located on the border of Banyuwangi and Bondowoso Regencies in East Java, and the peak of Mount Ijen is at an altitude of 2,443 meters above sea level. Ijen Banyuwangi Crater is a turquoise acid lake with a diameter of about 700 meters, an area of ​​5,466 hectares and a lake depth of about 200 meters. The volume of the Ijen crater lake is 36 million cubic meters, the walls of the caldera are 300–500 meters high, and the acidity level (pH) of the lake water is close to zero, which can dissolve clothes and even skin. and transferred to the human body in a short time. But take it easy. As long as you keep a safe distance, Ijen Crater is not dangerous.

The panorama around the lake which is turquoise green with a dramatic and beautiful touch and quite cold temperatures is the main attraction and uniqueness of the Ijen crater. Not surprisingly, Ijen Crater has become a tourist attraction for local and foreign tourists, and has even become a boon for the local community because of the sulfur content in this mountain. Most of the local residents depend on sulfur mining for their livelihood.

Access to this area is quite easy, visitors can use public transportation or private vehicles. The paved road from the city of Bondowoso to the Ijen crater is quite smooth and sufficient.

To reach the top of Ijen Crater, visitors must walk 3 km and start climbing the slopes of Mount Ijen in about 1.5 to 2 hours from Paltuding Post. Mount Ijen can be reached from two directions, namely north and south. From the north you can drive via Situbondo via Wonosari to Sempoli (Bondowoso) and on to Paltuding. The distance from Situbondo to Paltuding is about 93 km and can be reached in about 2.5 hours. From the south, you can drive from Banyuwangi to Licin which is 15 km away. The distance from Licin to Paltuding is 18 km. Followed by a Jeep or other heavy vehicle for about 6 km before heading to Paltuding. This is because the road is winding and uphill.

In addition to the beautiful view of the crater, there is also a blue fire effect.

Indonesia's nature has always had extraordinary beauty, one of which is the Ijen Crater. The Ijen Banyuwangi Crater Tour is one of the most popular Banyuwangi tours among travelers. Ijen Crater, or Mount Ijen Banyuwangi, is located on the border of Banyuwangi and Bondowoso Regencies in East Java, and the peak of Mount Ijen is at an altitude of 2,443 meters above sea level.

Ijen Banyuwangi Crater is a turquoise acid lake with a diameter of about 700 meters, an area of 5,466 hectares, and a lake depth of about 200 meters. The volume of the Ijen crater lake is 36 million cubic meters, the walls of the caldera are 300–500 meters high, and the acidity level (pH) of the lake water is close to zero, which can dissolve clothes and even skin. and transferred to the human body in a short time. But take it easy. As long as you keep a safe distance, Ijen Crater is not dangerous.

Enjoy the sunrise at Ijen Crater.

Enjoy the first sunrise at the tip of the island of Java. You can not only enjoy the blue fire but also watch the sunrise around the Ijen crater. If you want to find the best time for sunrise, come in August, when the sun looks brighter.

So you can see blue fire on the way up at 1 o'clock, and when you get there, you can also wait for the sunrise. The estimated sunrise at the top of Ijen Crater is 05:30. Remember to bring sufficient supplies and warm up before climbing.

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