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Indonesia is ranked first as the most beautiful country in the world by Forbes

Indonesia is ranked first as the most beautiful country in the world by Forbes

Have you ever thought of visiting the most beautiful country in the world? You don't have to travel far abroad, the most beautiful country in the world is Indonesia.

Image by <a href="">Bowo Ikhsanto</a> from <a href="">Pixabay</a>

Forbes classifies Indonesia as the most beautiful country in the world due to the multifaceted beauty of Indonesia and the rich flora and fauna spread across the island.

This wealth is one of the main attractions for local and foreign tourists. This study ranks the world's 50 most beautiful countries using an analysis that includes coral reefs, tropical rainforests, volcanoes and glaciers. How to measure the beauty of a country? ranks everything from coral reefs, tropical rainforests, volcanoes, glaciers and more based on an analysis of their natural beauty.

Image by <a href="">Andrea Bohl</a> from <a href="">Pixabay</a>

Salman Haqqi, head of personal finance at, stresses that beauty is subjective, but it's clear that these countries have a lot to offer visitors, from mountain adventures to relaxing beaches.

As a result, Indonesia was named the most beautiful country in the world with a natural beauty score of 7.7/10. This estimate is made by analyzing the number of natural attractions per 100,000 square kilometers. Destinations for domestic and foreign tourists are Bali and Raja Ampat. Bali is famous for its beautiful beaches, sea and culture. However, Raja Ampat has very beautiful seas and islands.

Other factors that make Indonesia the most beautiful country in the world are the Komodo National Park, the island of Sumatra with its abundant tropical forests, and the island of Borneo, home to orangutans.

Below Indonesia is New Zealand, or New Zealand, which is famous for its active volcanoes, hills, peaks and glaciers and is the most beautiful country in the world with a score of 7.27. Its natural beauty makes this country the best milk producer in the world and the location of many movies.

In third place is Colombia, which also has a long coastline. This country is also the country that crosses the Andes mountain range, which is the longest mountain in the world. The longest river in the world, the Amazon, flows through Colombia.

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