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There Are Rows Of Big Cities In The World That Are Prone To Sinking

There are rows of big cities in the world that are prone to sinking, from NYC to Jakarta.

Tahbrontak - Did you know that some cities in the world are at serious risk of sinking? Yes, you are right. Climate change has caused flooding problems and rising sea levels which threaten the sustainability of these cities. Let's explore these cities, from New York to Jakarta, and uncover what makes them vulnerable and what is being done to deal with this threat.

Image by <a href="">Hans</a> from <a href="">Pixabay</a>

First, let's talk about New York City in the United States. We may think of NYC as a symbol of progress and vibrant urban life, but it's also vulnerable to rising sea levels. Superstorm Sandy in 2012 served as a stark warning about the threat flooding and climate change would pose to the city. Coastal parts, such as Lower Manhattan, have the potential to be seriously affected if mitigation measures are not taken seriously. To address this problem, NYC launched the "OneNYC" program, which aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, build levees, and improve drainage systems to protect the city from flooding.


Furthermore, still in the United States, namely Miami, This city on the southeastern coast of Florida is at real risk from rising sea levels and tropical storms. Miami has low elevations that make it susceptible to coastal erosion, saltwater intrusion into groundwater systems, and frequent tidal flooding. However, Miami is not a city that surrenders. They have taken adaptation measures by improving drainage infrastructure, building embankments and water pumps, and carrying out coastal restoration. Miami also invests in research and education to raise awareness of climate risks and the importance of protecting the environment.

Then, moving to Asia, to be precise, Tokyo, the capital of Japan, which is also not immune from the threat of flooding, Situated near major rivers and beaches, Tokyo faces serious risks when the rainy season arrives. Heavy rainfall can cause rivers to overflow and flood parts of the city. However, Japan has set a good example in flood mitigation by building dikes, improving drainage systems, and managing water efficiently. They also use advanced technology, such as early warning systems and flood monitoring, to minimize risks to their residents.


Furthermore, the most populous city in China is Shanghai. As China's most populous city, Shanghai is located on the coast and faces real risks from rising sea levels and flooding. Heavy rainfall and extreme tidal cycles make Shanghai one of the cities most prone to flooding. However, the Chinese government has invested heavily in infrastructure projects to protect the city. They built levees and water pumps and adopted a sustainable approach to dealing with flood threats. Raising public awareness and participation is also key to reducing the risk of flooding in Shanghai.


Finally, in Indonesia, namely Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia, Jakarta is one of the most flood-prone cities in the world. Land subsidence, rising sea levels, poor drainage systems, and uncontrolled development patterns have caused serious flooding problems in this city. However, the Indonesian government has made massive efforts to tackle this problem. They launched infrastructure projects that included building a giant sea wall, upgrading the drainage system, and restoring river functions. River reforestation and revitalization programs are also carried out to reduce the risk of flooding and increase the city's resilience to the threat of flooding.


Faced with the risk of flooding and rising sea levels, awareness of climate change and the importance of mitigation measures is very important. These cities have taken concrete steps to protect their citizens and maintain environmental sustainability. However, this challenge is not an easy task and requires collaboration between the government, communities, and the private sector. With continued efforts and collective awareness, we can minimize the risk of flooding and protect the future of the cities we love.

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