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The beauty of Lombok Island that you must know

The beauty of Lombok Island that you must know

Maybe Lombok is just a small island among the islands in Indonesia, but its beauty cannot be underestimated. 


Until now, there have been many who are infatuated with the beauty of Lombok island tourism. There are even many who make this place one of the most popular tourist attractions. That, of course, cannot be separated from what is owned by the island. One of the things it has is the beauty of the tour, which is quite amazing and can make anyone fall asleep and feel at home if they linger there. Not only are there new tourists who come, but there are also many old tourists who, because they are addicted to what they have experienced, decide to come back to Lombok.

Yes, one of the advantages possessed by Lombok is that it has lots of amazing tourist attractions. In fact, almost every area there has several tourist attractions that are very popular and worthy of being visited by anyone who is interested in going there. If you want to explore Lombok, one month will not be enough. It's best if you do the exploration gradually until you can actually surround and explore some of the interesting tourist spots that are there.

Territorially, Lombok can be divided into several regions, namely East Lombok, West Lombok, Central Lombok, and North Lombok. All of them have several favorite tourist spots, such as in East Lombok, Tanjung Ringgit, Lombok Pink Beach, and Sand Island. Then in West Lombok, you can visit Senggigi Beach, Narmada Park, Lingsar Temple, and others. In Central Lombok, you can visit Kuta Lombok Beach, Tanjung Aan Beach, Sade Village, Sukarara Village, Banyumulek Village, and others. And in North Lombok, you can visit Sendang Gile Waterfall, Senaru Village, and others.

Many factors make this island attractive to foreign tourists, one of which is its unique culture. One of them is the tradition of Nyongkolan. This tradition is a traditional one in a wedding event and is better known as "sorong serah aji karma adat," meaning that the two brides are paraded and brought into a procession to be introduced to the general public, especially the bride and groom. 

Even though Lombok is not as big and as advanced as Bali, Lombok also has a building architecture that is almost the same as Bali. On this island there is a very famous mountain that is the third highest mountain in Indonesia. Mount Rinjani, with an altitude of 3,726 meters, has become a pattern in Lombok's infrastructure development.

The beautiful island of Lombok, with its beaches, the majestic Mount Rinjani, and spectacular marine life to explore, in West Nusa Tenggara, has no shortage of attractions both on and off the water. No wonder Lombok is one of the most popular destinations in West Nusa Tenggara. In addition, there are various beauties on Lombok Island that you can enjoy, based on data from Indonesia Travel. 

The small islands that surround Lombok Island are called the Gilis. There are 3 Gili Islands that are favorites for tourists to do snorkeling, diving, and fishing activities, including Gili Trawangan, Gili Air, and Gili Meno. Not only the three Gilis, but the other Gilis in this group of islands also have a truly beautiful charm. Lombok Island has a lot of interesting tourist charms. starting from nature, culture, and religion.

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