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Auto Insurance Companies Might Offer Lower Rates for New Customers

It is a fact that many people keep paying their premiums without questioning it at all. It seems that it is much easier to keep the customers once they are signed up. Auto Insurance companies are well aware of this and therefore they go out of their way to gain more new customers every year.

Actually you probably come across many offers from your bank, credit card company or insurer that are only available to new customers. It may sound ridiculous that their loyal customers can not get these really attractive deals. Nonetheless, this is a common practice in which firms would do anything to sign on fresh customers.

They look at the big picture all the time. They may be offering you an excellent deal and gaining your trust in the expectation that they will have another unquestioning client who will be filling their pockets for many years to come.

Especially if you are a careful driver who has not had any accidents for a long while, insurance providers are really keen to steal you away from their competitors. For them you are a very low risk to a point that you are almost clean money. Who would not want regular payments coming in on a regular basis for almost no trouble.

Now you know that you would be in a much better bargaining position if you were a new customer, use this knowledge to your advantage next time you need auto insurance coverage. There is really no point in being loyal to one insurer if you are not getting decent loyalty discounts in return.

Honestly, you should not be one of millions of motorists who are just cash cows for rich insurance companies. They would never question the renewal quote and hand their money there and then. Some may be doing it because they can not be bothered to compare quotes from alternative insurance firms or they may believe that they are getting a good deal. Either way they are not doing themselves any favor to themselves.

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